2 Days With The PS5

Thursday I got to my local EB Games at 6:20am in eager anticipation of getting my PS5. I thought it would be a lot busier so I was surprised when I was the first person there. In fact, no one else arrived until 6:45am. Either way I was first in and first out to receive this beautiful console below.

So the image above is where I would typically do product shots but the PS5 itself is so big that my lenses were either too long or too wide. Thankfully my 85mm was just right.

The Console

When people say this thing is huge, they aren’t lying. I previously had my PS4 Pro laying on its side and slid under my TV. This isn’t possible with the PS5 so I now have it standing next to the TV which actually looks nicer. The base is quite solid too so there’s no concerns about it falling or anything.

Admittedly I rarely use the USB ports but it’s good that they have 3 in total (2 rear one front), with one USB-C port on the front.

I don’t think I’ll be attaching any external drives, I rather wait until Sony release some compatible SSD’s to expand the internal storage. Next, the cooling.

I think all PS4 Pro owners would appreciate how much quieter the PS5 is. When I was first installing SpiderMan Miles Morales I could hear a slight noise from the disc drive but not as loud as the PS4 Pro. This is noticeably quieter, even while playing games.

My girlfriend would occasionally ask, “what’s wrong with that thing?” as my PS4 Pro would be very loud. I took my headphones off for a while to see how loud it was and was very surprised with the result. I think this is mainly due to the SSD and larger fans which wouldn’t have to run as fast to push the same amount of air.

Overall in terms of hardware, the PS5 will quick become my new favorite gaming system. There’s plenty of videos online doing detailed guides on the UI so I won’t go into detail but I do like it more. It’s something you need to get used to as it is different from the PS4’s but all in a good way.

One small feature I like is if you have the PS App installed on your phone, you get notifications on there if a game updates rather than it notifying you while playing. This is such a small thing but really shows hey they put usability and immersion as a priority.

SpiderMan Miles Morales

One of the games I got with the console was SpiderMan Miles Morales. I also got Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and NBA 2K21. I’m about 15 hours into SpiderMan and I’m really loving it. I would say I’m quite close to the end but can’t say for sure.

I played the first Spiderman game which was really enjoyable and I definitely get the same enjoyment from this game. I won’t go into any spoilers but Miles is a very likeable character. He’s still a kid and learning so what he can do is obviously quite limited compared to the ‘Real’ Spiderman (once you play the game you’ll get the joke).

I can honestly say that the Spiderman games in general are worth buying a PlayStation console. They are so fun to play with great stories and gameplay. I often don’t worry about collectables in most games but with Spiderman and Miles Morales, they are done in a way it doesn’t seem tedious to perform.

This is the type of game I would buy a Sony console just to play and couldn’t recommend it more. It’s a bit hard to say why I enjoy Miles Morales so much without giving spoilers but it’s mainly due to the story. If you take the great gameplay of the first game, put it with the interesting story of Miles and give a snow covered map then it’s hard not to sing it’s praise.

That’s it for my first impressions, now back to gaming! I’ll leave you with a few more screenshots.

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