WWE WrestleMania Backlash 2021

The show finished quite some time ago and I did watch live but here are my highs and lows from WWE WrestleMania Backlash 2021.

A Last Minute Booking?

In all honestly I missed the first half of this match due to my time conversation being a bit off. I got to see the second half of the match and any chance to see Ricochet perform is always a good one.


This could be a good feud and add Mustafa Ali in the mix and you’ll have yourself some very interesting matches. The main reason I feel this was thrown together last minute is due to Ricochet not wearing his ring gear.

Once Again, Asuka Deserves Better

I said after the last Raw Asuka deserves better and I see it happen again. Even Batista recently commented on Instagram at how happy he is with Asuka jobbing out to other talent.


They should have used someone that is more enhancement talent to take the pin and further feud between Charlotte and Rhea. Aside from that I really enjoyed the pace of the match, it wasn’t simply one person down and out for most of it while the other two go at it.

Best Moment of the Night

This could easily be the best moment of the night seeing Rey and Dom make history as the first ever father and son tag team champions! A lot of it was predictable like Dom coming back out to help Rey towards the end but it was still enjoyable.


I also have to mention how well Rey’s eye has healed. Who would have thought it would grow back after being poked out by Seth Rollins.

My favorite Match

This triple threat was easily my top match of the night. It’s always fun to watch three powerhouses that are some of my favorite current wrestlers on the roster go at it. The only thing competitor wise that could have been better is if Keith Lee was also in the match.


I swear every time Braun does something that requires him to roll or flip I hold my breath, this guy is way too big for these moves. Not surprising that he had to take the pin but still disappointing as he deserves so much better.


I am happy to see Bobby retain the title but the fact they didn’t want Drew to take the loss leads me to believe he’ll demand a match at Hell in a Cell or they are planning to put the belt back on him soon.

Close but Not Quite There

Cesaro thought hard and did his best but he still lost to clean to Roman. Everyone was expect some kind of interference from the Uso’s but I feel they booked it this way to make Roman look as strong as possible.


Now with Mia Yim reportedly being moved to Smackdown, I was actually hoping we’d see Keith Lee run out to help save Cesaro so I was a bit disappointed when Rollin’s came out instead to help beat him down. Although it appeared Cesaro’s shoulder was likely kayfabe injured, if Rey’s eye can grow back then his shoulder will be fine.

Overall it was an average PPV and I feel it definitely could have been booked better.

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