My Favorite Parts of WWE Monday Night Raw 2021 05 17

I found this weeks Raw quite enjoyable despite not getting my number one wish of seeing Keith Lee return. Here are my top 3 moments from the red brand this week.

Kofi Gets the Win

Not that it’s surprising but Kofi put on an amazing performance as he always does. The surprising part is that Kofi not only got a win over Orton but actually got the win against Lashley too.

The only reason this is surprising as no one has beat Bobby Lashley since January of this year which is quite some time. Drew did the same and went most of 2020 without getting pinned clean but it’s still a good surprise. I love seeing Kofi in the title picture again and I still hold hope he could one day get another title run.

Asuka is Finally Booked Better

WWE have finally given Asuka a win as she deserves. It does sound kind of funny saying this considering her long title reign but I guess she’s probably one of my favorite female wrestlers along with Bianca Belair.

It wasn’t a real clean win either with the distraction from Rhea so Charlotte doesn’t need to lose face. If only they did the same with Asuka when she took all those L’s.


One thing that’s been a constant on Raw for the last few weeks is how entertaining R-K-Bro has been. This week it was quite interesting too.

Despite Riddle trying to patch things up between Randy and The New Day, it all backfired on him. It was interesting how Riddle ended up pushing Woods down before trying to chase after Randy. Is this a sign of a more serious or even Heel version of Riddle to come?

Now for next week I wouldn’t mind seeing something happen between Kofi and Lashley again, but nothing would beat Keith Lee returning right now. With Mia Yim moving to SmackDown, I somewhat expect him to show up there rather than Raw again.

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