What Will Happen To Daniel Bryan?

In the closing scene of Smackdown we got to see Daniel Bryan offered one more Universal Title match. The interesting part was the stipulation that if Bryan loses, he must leave Smackdown.

There’s been a lot of talk about his contract being up soon so here’s a few possible scenarios.

A Move to Raw or NXT

This could be an opportunity for Bryan to mix it up with some other talent in Raw or even go to NXT to help develop the skills of their roster. I think for either one he’d make a great fit and excel in whatever story they give him but if all the rumors you read are true, I think NXT could be more likely.

Some Time Off From WWE

He’s frequently said that he wants to move to a part time basis so if he loses, this may be his transition to that. He could stay off to for a few months before showing up on another brand or even working with other promotions if WWE let him for some reason.

A Possible Win

Now this one seems most unlikely as I swear they want Roman to beat Lesnar’s record or something, but maybe Bryan will be the one to finally beat Reigns. I feel like this would only happen if there was either no interference at all (highly unlikely) or if there is an interference in his favor (maybe Cesaro).

Regardless of what happens I’m excited to see how the story progresses and if he can actually pull off the win!

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