The Two Best Parts of Monday Night Raw

So I thought I’d chime in about what I thought of Raw this week. Unlike most I actually don’t mind Raw most weeks although I think it has more to do with my favorite wrestlers being on there. In saying that, there was mainly 2 parts of Raw that I enjoyed this week.

Braun Strowman Coming To Save Drew

If it wasn’t for the fact that Tag Team wrestling is almost dead I would love to see these two team up full time. Considering we seen Braun absolutely dominate Shelton and Cedric a few weeks ago, imagine if he had Drew by his side.

Now I did enjoy seeing them together but it was also a bit of a strange matchup. Drew was pretty much insulting Braun during his promo earlier in the night then they just acted like a great team later on. I’m thinking we might finally get to see Strowman in the title picture again and I bet they will do the typical ‘friends beefing over the title’ they do time after time.

Regardless I won’t be complaining if I get to see these two team up again more.

The Viper and the Bro

This promo was really good, probably my favorite of the entire night in all honestly. Just the look on Orton’s face when Riddle was riding around him was priceless, it had me losing it with laughter. Riddle just always comes off as this annoying young kid and Orton really made it look even more like that.

It was pretty crazy to see Riddle beat Orton for a second time too. I actually respect how much Orton had been helping and putting over new talent. I haven’t really been a fan of his but that’s mainly due to the fact he plays such a convincing heel!

Either way I think the show was okay but definitely not good or great. I think we need something big to happen like a major return to really get people excited over Raw again.

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