The Return to My Kingdom
I started playing Crusader Kings 3 at launch and was obsessed with it for a while. I’d play daily and lose track of time with hours flying by without noticing. Like most games I reached a point that made me stop for a bit.
The PS5 released and the games I got with it took up a lot of my time so that was the main contributing factor, but there was another. In the game I was the High King of Scandinavia but decided to go feudal so that I’d eventually be able to enact a High Crown Authority and choose a single heir.
Before going feudal I had around 33k in levies so no one really tried to start any wars with me. After going feudal I dropped down to around 7k levies so I became quite vulnerable. Below you can see how many territories I occupied at the time.

Maybe a few months after this I was the target of a Holy War. Now I had been in many wars and knew I could survive many more but this one was different. I had a total of 4 rulers against just me and they had a total army size of 13k, almost double mine.
The war went on for years and I struggled to survive but after hiring a huge amount of mercenaries and putting myself about $600 in debt, I managed to win the war by attacking the weaker leaders who got scared and pulled out. Despite being a game, this took such a massive toll on me and I was too nervous to play again in case the same happened and I lost my kingdom,
This may sound crazy but I find it rare to play a game you can get this invested in which is one of the reasons why I love it so much. If you are interested in playing Crusader Kings 3 and like strategy based games, I couldn’t recommend it more.