The Ending That’s Hard to Watch
So another week of Monday Night Raw and I am feeling really mixed about it. I don’t hate it like some others you see online but I do have my issues and conflicts. I definitely feel they need to utilize more talent and not just have the same matches week in week out, even a great matchup can get stale this way.
My main issues or conflict this week was the main event. I feel they’ve really booked themselves into a corner here when it comes to Strowman, Lashley and McIntyre. All 3 guys have typically been booked as these monsters that are so hard to beat (well excluding Strowman when they are booking him horribly) but what do you do when all 3 face each other? Someone has to eat the pin.

At the moment above I thought Drew might actually fist bump Lashley and turn heel for Strowman to become the face in all of this. I would assume this didn’t happen since WWE decided to go to a commercial at this point….
Now the conflicting part for me is, I actually like all 3 of these guys so I never know who to go for. If it was say Orton and AJ Styles in this match with Drew, I’d be going crazy seeing him dominate like he did at the end. I’m a huge Lashley fan though and I also really like Strowman so it’s hard for me to pick who I’d like to see on top of these encounters. I feel like this run was so overdue for Lashley which makes me lean towards him. Then there’s Strowman who used to be booked so well but gets treated more like a jobber these days, he’s overdue for a big win.
The booking is leading me to believe Drew will get the title back at Wrestlemania Backlash but it felt that way for Mania and he didn’t so who knows what will happen.