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  • WWE Releases 9 Superstars

    Sadly this year WWE have decided to release another 9 superstars despite having record breaking profits. These 9 superstars are: Samoa Joe Billy Kay Peyton Royce Mickie James Chelsea Green Tucker Kalisto Mojo Rawley Bo Dallas Wesley Blake Some of these superstars haven’t been used for a long time like Bo Dallas but some are…

  • Surprising Match Outcomes at WrestleMania 37

    If you like to read WWE news and rumors then it’s likely that a lot of matches had quite surprising and different finishes compared to what was expected. In this video I discuss the main matches that gave me a surprise.

  • WWE 2K22 Teaser Trailer Released

    During Wrestlemania 37 Night One a trailer for the upcoming 2K22 was released. I actually played a lot of 2K20 and still do so I’m personally quite excited to see what 2K22 has to offer.

  • Will the Bad Booking Continue At Wrestlemania?

    So it’s been almost two weeks now that The Hurt Business broke up. I’d be curious to find someone (besides Vince) that actually think this was a good idea. This makes me even more scared for Wrestlemania as Lashley deserves a longer title run than just a few months. Drew McIntyre is probably my current…

  • The Reign of the Almighty Has Begun

    If you missed Raw last Monday, you really should watch it. The reason for this is Bobby Lashley who’s been on fire the past year has FINALLY won the WWE World Heavyweight Title. You can see highlights from the match below. This guy honestly couldn’t deserve the title more! He’s been booked the same as…

  • The Photography behind Wrestlemania

    As someone who loves both wrestling and photography, I really enjoyed this video by WWE that looks at the photography behind Wrestlemania. It’s well worth a watch if you are a fan of WWE and if you’re into photography too, this is a must watch!

  • My Issue With the 2021 Raw Elimination Chamber

    For those who watched WWE Raw last week you would have seen Adam Pearce announce the lineup for WWE Elimination Chamber which can be seen below. Although the lineup isn’t bad, my main issue with it is how they aren’t pushing new talent. It was even highlighted that all entrants are previous champions. To me…

  • An Amazing Episode of Raw

    So in case you haven’t watched, yesterdays episode of Raw was amazing! The reason why this was amazing? My current favorite Drew McIntyre won back the world title to become a two time WWE Champion! The whole match I was honestly expecting some interference. I was thinking either the Fiend or Miz would get involved…

  • A Dream Match for the WrestleMania 37 Main Event

     As someone who grew up watching Wrestling in the 90’s, I feel two WWE Legends have a story that needs a proper ending. This ending for them should be the main event of Wrestlemania 37 which I discuss in this video.

  • My WWE Payback 2020 Recap

    Welcome to my recap of WWE Payback 2020. This felt like a somewhat short pay-per-view but I would still say it was enjoyable. I’ll try to keep this shorter than my last recap but I hope you enjoy it. 1st Match – The Riot Squad vs. The Iconics Now it would be an understatement to…