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  • Was AEW What WWE Monday Night Raw Needed All Along?

    Tonight’s episode of Raw was seriously good for the second week in a row. I’m not the only one that’s curious if this is a reaction to AEW and the traction they’ve been gaining. If it is then I seriously hope that AEW keeps growing as clearly they are the competition WWE needed to start…

  • Back to Good Booking

    In recent times WWE hasn’t exactly been known for its amazing booking. A few of my favorites like Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley especially had some question bookings in the past few months. Drew had gone from being this near unbeatable monster who was more about fighting than talking to more of a history teacher.…

  • A Big Week in Wrestling!

    All I can say is it has been a real interesting week in the world of wrestling. We’ve seen so much interesting things happen so I’m not sure where to even start. I think the biggest and most exciting part for me is the return of the one you can’t see! The Champ is Here!!!…