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  • Top 3 Pokémon Games

    Discovering the Best Pokémon Games: Unveiling My Top 3 Favorites

    I’ve been playing Pokémon for over 20 years now, with only a very short break that caused me to miss the original Gen III games. I’m not sure what was happening during that period, but despite not playing Gen IV games like Platinum and HeartGold/SoulSilver when they first came out, I got a 3DS not…

  • My Hopes and Dreams for Grand Theft Auto 6

    This trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 dropped a few days ago and while most of the internet is overjoyed with excitement, I remain skeptical. The Concerns Nothing in this trailer really gave me concerns; it’s more Rockstar’s behavior that worries me. Long gone are the days when they were focused on the single-player experience.…

  • Sound & Music in Cities Skylines: II

    For this week’s feature highlight we are focused on sounds in the game. As always, below you can find a summary of the written version.  Sounds Radio One more feature highlight to go next week!

  • All You Need to Know About the Game Progression Mechanics in Cities: Skylines II

    This week’s feature highlight is focused on game progression in Cities Skylines II.  Just like last week, here’s a summary of everything covered in the video. Milestones Development Trees The next development diary focuses on the Citizen Simulation and Lifepath.

  • The Economy Is on a Whole New Level | Cities: Skylines II

    This week the focus was on economy which did not disappoint. As always the written version had more information which is summarized below. Economic Cycle Production Specialized Industries Economy Panel

  • A Definitive Answer on Map Sizes

    Since it’s first announcement, one of the biggest questions and debates have been about the total map size in the vanilla games. We finally got that answer. The easiest way to put it is to give a quote from the written Feature Highlight: To get started let’s have a brief comparison between the map sizes.…

  • More Exciting Than Expected

    For this developer’s diary on “Electricity and Water” I didn’t expect much but it ended up impressing me. To keep it short and sweet, here are my main takeaways: It’s quite interesting to see as with each update, you see some people (like myself) really happy about the deeper mechanics and others feeling this is…

  • A Deep Dive Into Services

    This was a great entry as it gave us a bit more insight into a few things covered in this weeks developer diary. There were four additional things that stood out to me with the first being a look at specialized universities. We had it confirmed that there are both tech and medical Universities which…

  • New City Services Revealed | Cities Skylines II

    Despite being less than 5 minutes long this features video gave us a lot of insight. The first thing that really stood out to me was how good the assets look. It may just be me, but I feel the art style is a good mix between a more realistic looking version of CS1 along…

  • Public & Cargo Transportation for Cities: Skylines II

    Another week and another great developer’s diary for Cities: Skylines II. One thing that stood out to me was how each type of transportation required a depot, much like what mods did in CS1. This makes it much more realistic and I like how there’s skill trees you need to unlock now rather than it…