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  • The Ending That’s Hard to Watch

    So another week of Monday Night Raw and I am feeling really mixed about it. I don’t hate it like some others you see online but I do have my issues and conflicts. I definitely feel they need to utilize more talent and not just have the same matches week in week out, even a…

  • My WWE Payback 2020 Recap

    Welcome to my recap of WWE Payback 2020. This felt like a somewhat short pay-per-view but I would still say it was enjoyable. I’ll try to keep this shorter than my last recap but I hope you enjoy it. 1st Match – The Riot Squad vs. The Iconics Now it would be an understatement to…

  • SummerSlam 2020 Recap

    To begin I have to say this was a very enjoyable Pay-Per-View, no wonder they call it the biggest party of the Summer. I thought my first proper post on here should be doing a brief review on this event so here we go. 1st Match – Apollo Crews vs MVP for the United States…