Possibly the Best WWE Premium Live Event of the Year
Like many I was watching WWE MITB live which I got up at 5am to be able to watch and it was well worth it.
Honestly this was probably my favorite event so far this year and really well booked. I’d give it a solid 9.5/10 and I actually wouldn’t be surprised if Vince was involved in the booking as HHH doesn’t usually give us big surprises like this.
Here are some brief impressions of each match.

The Correct Choice
I know many wanted LA Knight to win the Men’s MITB match but Priest was the right choice. The match was so well done and there was a few times you really didn’t know what direction they’d go.
That one spot from Ricochet and Logan Paul where they did the Spanish Fly onto the tables looked brutal and I hope neither guy got injured.
The camera work for the final moment was so good too when it looked like LAK had it, then you see Priest grab him by the neck and throw him off to get the briefcase.
There’s so much story to tell here and congrats to Damian Priest!

An Unexpected Turn
This match wasn’t anything that special for me but I was honestly surprised by the twist we seen.
I didn’t expect to see Shayna turn on Ronda and it will be interesting to see why she did it and her motivations behind it. I’m also happy for Raquel and Liv but I personally think both could do better in the singles division.

A Dominant Win Then a Welcome Return
When it comes to the intercontinental title match I wasn’t really surprised to see Gunther win. He’s been way too dominant to lose to Riddle who doesn’t really have the right amount of steam behind him.
However what did surprise me was Drew McIntyre returning after this win. He’s easily my favorite on the current roster and this is the longest he’s been off tv in years. I do wish though that Drew was going after the WHC and not a mid card title, I just hope this is a steppingstone on his road back to the world title.
If Drew had been confronting Seth then this PLE would have been an easy 10/10 for me.

An Expected Win
I did say in my predictions post that I expected Cody to win but Dom got quite a decent amount of offense.
There were rumors that Brock would interfere so I’m sure I’m not the only one that was waiting for his music to hit or the ref to go down but instead we got a clean, decisive win.
I’d say it was a good match overall and Dom is definitely improving in ring.

A Well Deserved Mrs Money in the Bank
Iyo is someone who’s been in WWE for a long time now but was stuck in developmental for way too long. All that time there paid off tonight.
The ending to the match was so well done, it looked like Iyo just brushed off the fact that Bayley screwed her over so when she put the handcuffs on it was so good. In the press conference Bayley claimed to be fine with Iyo winning but you have to wonder, will Bayley screw over Iyo when she goes to cash in?
Otherwise the women put on an amazing match and that spot near the end between Zoey and Zelina onto the ladder did not look fun.

So Close Yet So Far
All I can say is poor Finn. He had so much momentum going into this match and seemed to really be dominating and working those kayfabe injured ribs.
When Finn did the two Coup de Grace on the outside I thought it was over for sure, if it wasn’t for Priest standing up then maybe he would have successfully won. I wouldn’t have been against this but going forward I’m very interested to see how Priest having the MITB will effect his partnership with Finn who was definitely angry.

The War Has a great Start
This was such a fantastic match and an easy contender for match of the night.
Although the pace was a bit slow (common issue for me with Roman matches), we still had exciting moments. When Roman stacked both Uso’s I had seen the same thing so many times and thought it was all over. When the Uso’s kicked out I was so damn happy.
Seeing Jey get to be the one to pin Roman was the icing on the cake. The Bloodline started with him so it was only fitting for him to be the one to pin Roman.

The Real G.O.A.T of WWE
This was really unexpected, I didn’t think Cena would ever show up.
Although in saying that, there was the below post by Cena a few weeks ago that had some guessing what it meant, we found out tonight.
Hearing Cena on the mic, he truly is the G.O.A.T of WWE and really loves the business. He’s stated that he can’t physically do it anymore but that doesn’t stop him from showing up any time. He critisized the Rock for going to Hollywood years ago and although he did the same, he still comes back a few times a year which you have to respect.