Nearly Time to Explore Hisui

It’s now 12 hours until I’m able to play Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

I spent quite a bit of time today watching reviews and preview videos and the more I see the more I think this will be a dream Pokémon game. The scores this game has been getting are quite impressive too and although there hasn’t been any 10’s, I’ve seen more positive than negative responses.

Below are two of the reviews I really enjoyed.

I also watched this discussion below by two reviewers that spent 50 hours on the game and walked away very impressed.

There are two aspects that got me really excited after watching these videos.

The first is how you catch Pokémon. It’s been shown in many previews how you can catch a wild Pokemon using stealth but in one of the reviews they showed you can pretty much catch them simultaneously. In the video there’s two Psyduck’s just chilling by the lake and the character sneaks up, throws a Pokeball at one which initiates the catching mechanic and rather than waiting for that to finish, you can instantly throw another Pokeball.

This is really great/important as imagine there was two rare Pokemon near each other in the wild. Rather than risk one of them getting away and having to choose which to catch, now you can easily capture both.

The second exciting aspect was that battles are much harder which is something I’ve wanted for a long time. Apparently if you go up against an Alpha Pokemon (the huge ones with red eyes) with say a level 40 Pokémon, even if you’re the same level as the Alpha they can easily destroy you.

While entering certain areas at too low of a level you can also get destroyed which is much better than just having some NPC blocking your path. All of this info does make me worried I won’t be able to enjoy future games if they don’t use this formula.

In terms of teams I think I’ll just play it as I go and see what Pokémon I catch rather than planning out a team. The temptation of buying a capture card is insanely strong right now just so I can make some Let’s Play videos but I’ll try to resist a bit longer.

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