My Issue With the 2021 Raw Elimination Chamber
For those who watched WWE Raw last week you would have seen Adam Pearce announce the lineup for WWE Elimination Chamber which can be seen below.

Although the lineup isn’t bad, my main issue with it is how they aren’t pushing new talent. It was even highlighted that all entrants are previous champions. To me the point of this is probably the same as Drew vs Goldberg, to solidify him as a champion that can beat the best of the best.
This is all well and good but really highlights one of WWE’s biggest issues, their reluctance to focus on new talent. I find this quite interesting as if we go back to before the Attitude Era, WWE wanted to focus more on new talent which is why most of the older talent went over to WCW. As recently highlighted by WhatCulture in the video below, a lot of the WWE roster is over 30 years old which isn’t old but also means the majority of their roster is already at or past their peak.
If I was behind the scenes, I’d be picking these wrestlers to include in the Elimination Chamber.

Keith Lee
Keith Lee made a big impact when he debuted on Raw by beating Randy Orton at Payback. Since then his push has been up and down and not really consistent. In my eyes, he more than proved himself with what he achieved on NXT and he should be continuing that run on Raw.

Bobby Lashley
I’ve said it many time before but I’ll say it again, this guy needs a title push ASAP. I don’t get how they can book Lashley to be this monster heel and say that Drew has no good opponents… With the streak that Lashley is on along with the Hurt Business, he’d make a tough challenger for McIntyre.

Braun Strowman
Another guy who’s an absolute monster and has gone from having a huge push that included a Universal Title reign, to being in meaningless feuds. I know he’s had a lot of injuries over the past few months but let’s hope we can see him back in the title picture again.

Damian Priest
Although he only just joined the Main Roster a few weeks ago, that doesn’t mean he isn’t talented. At 38 he isn’t getting any younger so he really needs a title push before it’s too late. Damian has been really great to watch and would be a formidable opponent for Drew.

Kofi Kingston
This guy should have got a second title run or at least stayed in the title picture. It’s funny how when some people lose their title, they get rematch after rematch for months but Kofi never got that treatment. Now is the time!

Now I’m not the biggest Riddle fan but I also don’t dislike him. He does have talent and he could definitely be a world title contender instead of the US title. I think we’ll likely see him get the title from Lashley but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to see him going for the World title.

Like many of the names on this list, Ricochet is greatly underutilized. His feud with Retribution/Ali could have been so much bigger and better but as always, long term story telling isn’t great. Although Drew has the power advantage, Ricochet’s unique style would definitely be interesting to see.
There’s quite a few more names I could add to this list but I’ll leave it at this. There isn’t much longer to wait until the Elimination Chamber so it will be interesting to see who comes out on top and who Drew’s next feud is with.