My Highlights from WWE SummerSlam 2022
I have to say this was a very good Premium Live Event. If you frequent the dirt sheets you’ll see that Triple H was looking to do something big for this show.
I would say he definitely delivered as it was one of my favorite SummerSlam’s in recent times. Rather than recap every single match, I’ll just go over some of my highlights from this amazing event.

A New Stable and the Embrace
WWE really outdone themselves with this match.
We’ve certainly seen Becky vs Bianca many times before but this match didn’t feel like a repeat of the past. The match itself was excellent with both women giving it their all.
The embrace between Becky and Bianca at the end was a great moment for me and I would say it signals a babyface turn for Becky which is what most people want!
This moment got even better when not only Bayley returned, but she brought the previously released Dakota Kai and the newly named Iyo Sky (Io Shirai) who hasn’t been seen in months. Becky coming to stand by Bianca was such a good moment too, this makes me REALLY excited to see where the women’s division goes from here.

Exceeding Expectations
I’ll admit I wasn’t very interested in this match at first. I’m not a fan of Logan Paul so I started going on my phone instead.
By the halfway point, I started to get into it much more. The spots were Miz did the kick to Logan then the latter returned the favor were quite funny. I noticed the crowd were somewhat uninterested at first but started to come around more too.
Once we got to the point that Logan did the frog splash from the turnbuckle to the announcers table, the crowd REALLY got behind it. At the end of this match I feel Logan really won the respect of the crowd as he’s really starting to prove he takes this business seriously which any fan should respect.

Fitting Everyone In
It was nice to see some of the Wrestlers who weren’t on the card still being able to take part in the event.
Drew came out to a nice pop and his short promo was really good. It’s interesting if this was scripted as it felt more natural and like the babyface Drew that everyone loved. Regardless, this makes me VERY excited to see what happens for his Clash at the Castle title match.
On the other hand, I didn’t even recognize Riddle when he ran out to the ring to call out Seth. I thought we might see an actual match until Seth walked out in his colored suit.
It was good to see Seth look strong again but makes me wonder how he’ll do in their match at the next Premium Live Event. 2021 hasn’t been kind to his win/loss record but this might be the turning point where we see Seth get a few more big wins.

Slightly Disappointed
The Street Prophets are possibly my favorite current tag team so I was a bit disappointed by the result of this match.
Maybe it’s just me but I felt like it ended too soon and could have easily gone longer. If you compare it to their MITB match, that had so many false finishes and really kept you on the edge of your seat.
I’m probably in the minority but I like the brand split and separate titles (although their format should be changed to remove the whole Raw/Smackdown name) so I would have had them walk away with the Raw equivalent if it was up to me.
Regardless, I’m not sure what will happen next in the tag division and what team will step up to challenge the Uso’s.

Complete Chaos
This was actually an excellent match.
Thanks to the “Last Man Standing” stipulation we got to see something different from these two and it was certainly memorable. I think for most the highlight would have been when Brock using the Tractor to lift the ring which I don’t think we’ve ever seen done before.
Theory coming out to attempt a cash in before getting hit with the F5 was also quite funny. I was surprised he even went out as you can really tell it wouldn’t be a successful cash in if it did happen.
The ending of Roman and the Uso’s stacking everything on top of Brock was a little bit predictable but considering Lesnar kept getting up, it did make sense. It was also good to see Jey up and about as he took a belly to belly suplex from Brock on the outside and it looked like he landed a bit on his head.
I would have liked to see Drew come out at the end to have a stare down with Roman but I guess they wanted to give the Bloodline their moment.
If this show is the new benchmark for what we can expect, Wrestling will become VERY exciting and can’t miss each and every week.
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