Much More City Management?

We got our third entry for the “Developer Insights” series.

I’ve seen more mixed impressions on this one as some people see the fact you need to setup both stations AND stops a bit tedious, but I personally like it. They highlight the fact you can actually have your buses bypass busy intersections which will be great for managing traffic.

I also really like how you can make your own intercity bus lines, rather than needing a separate building like in previous games. The more I see the upgradable buildings the more I like it too, it gives me SimCity 2013 vibes which is usually a good thing.

This one did feel a bit brief on the info compared to previous entries, but it may just be they covered more in the diary entry earlier in the week. Next week’s diary entry is on “Zones & Signature Buildings” which has the following description:

Various zone types create the bulk of the city: sprawling suburban areas and apartment building blocks, busy commercial districts, noisy industrial parks and sleek high-rise office complexes.

This should help us confirm what the new purple zones are along with giving us more info on mixed zoning. As always I’ll be sharing my thoughts on it once it’s out.

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