Mixing Your Hobbies With Work

As someone who does photography for fun, I often hear people ask me why don’t you try to make money from it. My instant answer is always no way!!!

For me I like to keep my hobbies and work separate as when I’m feeling stressed, that’s when I turn to them to relax and wind down. I actually tried photographing a wedding before (which I talk about here) and although it was a fun experience, it’s not something I would want to do full time.

I’ve met others like this too. One guy I met loved playing soccer but when he done it professionally, he lost his passion for it and ended up quitting and going back to a 9 to 5 so he could enjoy it again. If I didn’t hate studying so much, the only hobby I don’t mind doing for work would be web design or something coding related as I love making WordPress sites (like this one)!

Regardless I don’t see myself mixing my hobbies with work any time soon.

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