Goodbye 2021 and Hello 2022

Today is the last day of 2021 so I thought I’d make a quick post to finish the year off.

2021 has been interesting for me and if you ignore the whole global pandemic, I actually felt 2020 went much better for me. This year I don’t feel I achieved as much as I did the previous year and I know it’s not always possible to improve year over year but it is also a personal disappointment.

One of my main/few achievements this year I would say is how my fitness has improved. Since March I consistently worked out at least 4 to 5 times a week (albeit missed a week or two due to getting vaccinated) and went from 78kg to 85kg. I still have quite a way to go in terms of fitness goals but as long as I stay on track I’m sure I’ll achieve it in 2022.

In terms of this blog, I’m hoping to give it a much bigger focus in 2021. I plan to do more frequent posts and have something decent every single week. Something like Tumblr would really suit my style of posting but I don’t know what the future holds for that platform and it’s hard to build SEO using it.

The podcast is still up in the air as I’m undecided on the format. I know if I do one with a wrestling focus I’d have no problem making content but I’d also like to discuss other topics like games and life so once I make a decision, you’ll see something release.

That’s it for me so I hope that anyone who reads this has a safe and happy 2022!

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