Big E Is Our New WWE Champion!!!

This is seriously a great day as Big E has finally become the WWE Champion! Going into Raw I honestly thought it would be the typical situation where they don’t actually go through with it.

I’m really happy to see him win but I do somewhat wish they did it at Extreme Rules, just so he could have a bigger crowd in front of him. In saying that, the crowd seemed to be 1000% behind Big E and so excited for him.

I see a lot of people in the IWC questioning Big E as a WWE champion due to his character and how he’s not ‘serious’ enough. Big E has said multiple times there’s enough big serious guys and he wants to be different and stand out which I agree with. In terms of technical ability I feel he can easily be champ for a long time to come and having him lose the title too soon would be a big mistake.

Drew McIntyre is honestly one of my favorite wrestlers to date and I know WWE are big on him, so how long before he challenges Big E? I personally hope it will be a while as I want Big E to enjoy his moment and have a long reign, I also wouldn’t know how to cheer for in this case.

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