Apple Watch Series 7

Growing up I was never a fan of watches and probably wore one less than 5 times in 20+ years. This all changed around 4 years ago when I got the Apple Watch Series 3.

I personally feel that Smart Watches have more value than traditional watches since they can track all your activity along with acting like a phone and being an accessory. Before getting my first Apple Watch I was really inconsistent with my workouts but I found all the frequent reminders and challenges really helped me be more consistent. In fact prior to Covid and starting to work from home, I used to close my rings every single day.

My old watch was barely working and since I use it daily, my girlfriend decided to purchase me a new one for Christmas. The display on the Series 7 watch is significantly nicer and it’s great to have buttons and dials that actually work. If anyone’s considering getting an Apple Watch then I’d definitely say the Series 7 is well worth it.

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