Almost That Time of Year

It’s almost my birthday and I always find this a weird time of year. For most it’s a celebration but since the person who brought me into this world passed away over 10 years ago now, it’s quite different.

Even when she was alive I still didn’t really like celebrating as I didn’t have the greatest outlook on life but these days I try to celebrate. The main reason for that is my girlfriend and her family. She has helped my outlook not only life but also birthday’s so I try to be appreciate what I have.

I’m still not at the stage where I want a big party or anything as I can be a bit of a reserved person at times. It’s also crazy to think I’ll be 33 considering I was one of those people who thought they’d rather be dead than 30 ? Getting old definitely scares me but I also do like to face my fears so bring it on I guess!

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