4 Days in Melbourne

I went for a short trip to Melbourne last month and as much as I enjoyed it, I was glad to be back in Sydney!

April marked 5 years since I moved to Sydney and it’s now well and truly home to me. During this time I’ve gone overseas a few times but only travelled once domestically which was also to Melbourne.

Visiting this I was curious to see how things have changed post COVID and if there was a lot of new shops. I was also hoping to shoot some cityscapes but just like the last time I visited, the weather was super cloudy.

Although I barely used my camera while there, here are a few of the images I did take during my trip.

Funny enough I found that I generally like the cold but it was too dry and can be annoying when it comes to crack lips. But being that cold, I could easily walk everywhere without getting too warm which was a nice change.

I did manage to try one of the best pizza’s I’ve had to date from a place called “Pizza Pizza Pizza” which I definitely recommend you try if you’re in Melbourne. It reminded me of “Tony’s Pizza” in San Francisco and I ended up eating 5 slices as I couldn’t help myself.

Otherwise I actually found most places to be quite expensive compared to here in Sydney but that might just be the types of foods I eat.

For us Sydneysiders, Melbourne is probably one of the closest and fun places to go so I’m sure I’ll visit there again soon.

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